Mystery Shopping has fast become an essential part of an organization’s ongoing measures, particularly within the Retail & Leisure sectors. Customer training provides your staff with the knowledge and philosophy of what Customer Service is about. But not all staff will conduct themselves in the correct manner at all times. It has often been said that it is not enough to give the customer excellent service – you must also subtly make him aware of the great service he is getting!
In order to assist our Clients to consistently and reliably give great service and keep their Customers returning, we offer the following comprehensive solutions:
Mystery Shopper
From an actual visit to our Client’s point-of-sale locations, we can check that your standards are being consistently delivered by your staff and highlight any further staff training needs. Our trained team will provide insight into their experience, and clearly report on how your staff interact with Customers. From supermarkets and hotels to bowling alleys and mobile phone shops, Mystery Shoppers are an essential part of any manager’s ongoing quality measures.
Mystery Caller
With widespread use of call centres, sales order lines and helpdesks, that are often outsourced, there is a real need to monitor how well these staff deal with your Customers. Mystery calling is used to check that staff are answering queries correctly and also making the most of the opportunity to promote your services and products.
Mystery Web Surfer
With the growth in the popularity of the Internet and e-commerce we can test the usability and efficiency of your website when it comes to making an enquiry (measuring response times) or placing an order (measuring delivery times).
Price & Promotion Audits
We are skilled at collecting detailed and current price/promo information from different retailers to ensure that your products are placed where they should be, or to compare with others. We can also check that your promotional teams in the stores are correctly promoting your product.
Competitor Mystery Visits
In today’s fast moving markets, it is important to be able to keep your finger on the pulse. We can research what your competitors are offering in terms of service and promotions and provide relevant comparisons with your own offers and service. All delivered in real-time through easy to read reports.